To the Fleadh and beyond for Aisha Bolaji and Why the Sun & Moon Live in the Sky

To the Fleadh and beyond for Aisha Bolaji and Why the Sun & Moon Live in the Sky

In a Collective or as an individual, Aisha Bolaji is raising the bar for Irish film. From aiding festivals like DIFF or Catalyst in Limerick, to programming screenings with GALPAL Collective, to her own work behind the camera, she’s developed a powerful portfolio in recent years. This week at the 2024 Galway Film Fleadh, her…

Fresh talents emerge at Generation Fresh

Fresh talents emerge at Generation Fresh

Fresh Film and Omniplex Cinema Group present an event encouraging the next set of Irish stars on screen, GENERATION FRESH. This unique film screening event takes place on Sunday, April 21, at selected Omniplex Cinemas across Ireland including Cork, Galway, Dublin and Limerick. Featuring a thoughtfully curated selection of 15 short films by 15 young filmmakers. Spanning various genres and themes, GENERATION FRESH…

Dublin International Comedy Film Festival returns this winter and makes Light House debut

Dublin International Comedy Film Festival returns this winter and makes Light House debut

One of the most recent and well-received additions to the festival calendar in the fair city of film is returning this winter and it’s getting bigger and better. Going into its 3rd year and its 4th festival, the Dublin International Comedy Film Festival promises some much needed winter levity with a packed programme of films,…

GORM and Gal Pal Collective align for AJOYO

GORM and Gal Pal Collective align for AJOYO

An anticipated collaboration between The GALPAL Collective and GORM will take place this weekend. Celebrating Black Filmmakers this Black History Month, their ‘AJOYO’ has officially sold out. Their inaugural collaboration will take place on Saturday October 21st at Fuel HQ on Camden Street. Following the success of their sold out “Directed by Her” screening for…

Ireland’s next gen next week at the National Film School IADT Class of 23 Showcase

Ireland’s next gen next week at the National Film School IADT Class of 23 Showcase

The National Film School, IADT is showcasing the talents of the class of 2023 at the Lighthouse Cinema, Smithfield on Tuesday, 30th of May from 10am to 1pm. The screening includes seven graduate short films, a graduate multicam lifestyle television production and a Kino Eyes masters short film. After the event there will be drinks…