There’s more to Benedetta than Immaculate Penetration

There’s more to Benedetta than Immaculate Penetration

Director: Paul Verhoeven Starring: Virginie Elfira, Charlotte Rampling, Daphne Patakia Running Time: 132 minutes “Lesbian nuns!” “A wooden Virgin Mary sex toy!” The press packet for Benedetta speaks loudly for itself, an eye-catching and/or hand wringing series of headlines from festival first impressions all the way to Liveline. It might seem like one of those…

Praise the Lord with the Light House this April at their Paul Verhoeven Retrospective

Praise the Lord with the Light House this April at their Paul Verhoeven Retrospective

The latest film by cinema’s grandfathocateur Paul Verhoeven Benedetta will be arriving in Irish cinemas just in time for the Easter weekend, with an release on 15th April. In anticipation of the exciting and enlightening release, which tells the story of a 17th century nun, her rise to power and her romance with a fellow…