Anseo anois agus aris for Video Vista starting from May

Video Vista digs into the archive of VHS, Blurays and DVDs, looking at cult classic deep cuts. They’re returning for monthly screenings from next month, from a new venue in the fair city of film.

Camden Steet pub Anseo are the new venue for Video Vista, which will be hosting film screenings from the first Tuesday of every month 7.15pm onwards. Tickets for these special screenings are €6 a pop. Their new season of screenings starts off on Tuesday 7th May with a double-bill of hazy hippysploitation and 70s surf.

First is 1972’s Thumb Tripping. A crew of adventurous hitchhikers decide to accept every ride they are offered, and end up with more than they bargained for. Meg Foster and, briefly, Bruce Dern make early appearances in this story of hippies on the open road.

Aussie film Morning of the Earth is part sports doc, part music experience, all surf. In the early ‘70s, founding member of Australian surf magazine Tracks, Albert Falzon, began filming off the North Coast of New South Wales, Hawaii, and Indonesia, to capture the spirit of surfing as it existed in the decade. G. Wayne Thomas’ soundtrack was the first Australian soundtrack to go gold and a big part of the film’s underground appeal, alongside psychedelic imagery.

The folks at Video Vista will see ye at Anseo from next Tuesday and monthly thereafter, for these and other cult classics.

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