Pretty Deadly Films #5 – Reboots, Returns, Revivals

The latest issue of Film In Dublin’s zine, Pretty Deadly Films #5 is available now.

You wouldn’t download a car. But you might download a zine?

The theme of our latest issue is ‘Reboots, Returns, Revivals’. While these words are often associated with blockbusters’ rehashing the same old ideas, really it’s all about what you do with those ideas. And our contributors have had some pretty deadly ones.

This issue features:

Art by Amy Lauren McGrath and Panamoo

A recipe for Zombie Brain Chocolate Cupcakes from burlesque baker Oh Golly! Miss Dolly!

An essay on the expectations of actors who have to reboot their image by Jess Dunne

An essay on the un-killably cool Scream series by Emma Kiely

À la carte blanche – a curated menu of reboots from locally-sourced directors including Natasha Waugh, Chiara Viale and Brian O’Brien.

Take a look at Film In Dublin’s Gumroad page and get your copy now. You can get a digital download for your PDF copy of PDF for pay-what-you-can pricing HERE. Or if you’d like a hard copy sent right to your door, take a look HERE.

Stay tuned for more bits, bobs and info on our summer issue of Pretty Deadly Films. 


About Luke Dunne

Luke is a writer, film addict and Dublin native who loves how much there is for film fans in his home county. In 2016 he founded Film In Dublin to share everything that's happening in the fair city of film and beyond. He/Him

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