Drive-In Cinemas Returning in Dublin

Are you getting a bit tired of your home cinema set-up and dying to get back to the silver screen? Obviously we are still a while off from returning to the shared cinema experience we all know and love, but why not return to the vintage comforts of the drive-in cinema? We have put together a list for you, but if you hear of any more let us know!

(Image by Markus Distelrath – Pixabay)

Retro Drive-In:

Leopardstown Racecourse

Kilkenny Castleinch

10 new locations soon to be announced!


Drive-in Movies @ RDS


Pop-Up Drive-In:





About Jess Dunne

Jess is an English with Film grad with a healthy respect for the big Blockbusters and other such entertainment 'fluff'. Who says pleasures have to be guilty?

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