Making Film Dublin is a special event for anyone seriously interested in filmmaking, including current film students, and independent filmmakers. During the course of the afternoon attendees will hear from a panel of experts about their own filmmaking journey and to learn from them. Taking place at the Generator Hostel Dublin this Sunday March 1st,
a substantial line up of expert filmmakers have been assembled, all of whom are vital and active members of the fair city of film. Two of the first guests confirmed for this event are:
Liam McGrath, Scratch Films:–
Liam McGrath is a director and producer, known for Southpaw: The Francis Barrett Story (1999), Blood of the Travellers (2011) and Dolores Keane: A Storm in the Heart (2014).
Robert Fitzhugh, Dublin Smartphone Film Festival :-
Director of the Dublin Smartphone Film Festival, founder of Filmsmart productions. Videographer, director, and speaker.
Making Films Dublin has been organised by final year film students at Ballyfermot College of Further Education. The proceeds from ticket sales will be used to fund their Final Year film which is called Ballcourt (Dir. Heidi Kivikallio) which will be shot on 9th – 13th March and screened in the IFI in May 2020.
The workshop will be divided into talks, practical tips, Q&A and networking to close, providing aspiring creatives with an opportunity to take valuable first steps in filmmaking in Dublin. Find out more here.
Tickets for this event are €10 and are available now from Eventbrite.