An upcoming Irish short film aims to tell women’s stories about the difficulties posed by Ireland’s restrictive laws on abortion, ahead of the referendum to repeal the 8th Amendment this May.
Repeal is a film that tells the story of three pregnant women and the problems and pressured they encounter when faced with abortion laws in Ireland. The stories told in the film are all based on real-life testimonies from women that have been affected by the 8th Amendment, allowing real women’s stories to be told in opposition to the misinformation and confusion tactics of anti-choice campaigners. Principal photography on the short has now wrapped and the film is currently in post production, and will be available ahead of the referendum.
Repeal is scheduled to be released to all via social media on the 6th of April. The film is also set to have a premiere screening, which will take place in the Irish Film Institute on the 31st of March. A trailer for the short will be available very soon, and you can be sure that Film In Dublin will have that for our readers as soon as it is available. For now, progress on the film, including interviews and more can be found on Repeal‘s social media pages, their Facebook page and their Twitter account. Included there now is an interview with People Before Profit’s Deirdre Wadding, outlining her views on the aims and targets of the Repeal the 8th movement.