It’s time to get cultured film fans. Culture Night 2017 takes place this Friday 22 September, with venues and public spaces across the Ireland opening their doors to free evenings of entertainment. Culture Night has been running for 13 years now and 2017 promises to be its biggest programme to date, with live music, poetry,…
All posts in September 2017
Be the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre’s guest next spring and see Beauty and the Beast live
Beauty and the Beast was a smash-hit when it came out earlier this year, with our own site’s review saying the live-action remake smashed the bar. It’s certainly the kind of movie that plays well to a crowd, with an array of songs, old and new to enjoy. Next year, you’ll have the chance to see Beauty…
If you come out for the King, you best not miss Dear Constant Reader at the Light House
With television shows like Stranger Things receiving so much attention and accolades and the latest film version of It having the biggest horror opening of all time, earning over £9,884,000 across 604 cinemas in the UK and Ireland since it’s release, it’s safe to say that interest in the works of Stephen King is pretty high right now. Apart from The Dark…
Stephen King horror floats back onto the big screen with IT
Director: Andy Muschietti Starring: Bill Skarsgård, Sophia Lillis, Jaeden Lieberher, Finn Wolfhard, Chosen Jacobs, Jeremy Ray Taylor, Jack Dylan Grazer, Wyatt Oleff Running Time: 135 minutes Somewhere in the recesses of my memory a spectre of Tim Curry lurks, a cackling lunatic in clown make up who probably contributed to some lost hours of sleep.…
Frozen returns to Irish screens in November alongside Olaf’s Frozen Adventure
Frozen fans in Ireland will be in for a treat this November. The Disney hit that your kids have enjoyed over and over (and over) again will be returning to cinemas in the winter, with a new short shown in front of the film, putting the spotlight on Olaf, the snowman.
Wind River, white and in denial, I’m discussing you with bile today
Director: Taylor Sheridan Starring: Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Gil Birmingham, Graham Greene Running Time: 111 minutes It would maybe be unfair to say that Wind River, the directorial debut of Sicario and Hell or High Water writer Taylor Sheridan, has bad intentions. A title card shown in the film’s final moments, which damningly reveals that the FBI does not keep statistics on missing Native American women,…
The toys are back in town as Happenings shows Toy Story in Dublin
Just because the summer is over, doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy the fun of Happenings’ Open Air Cinema. The likes of Once, La La Land, Dirty Dancing and Groundhog Day have all been shown by Happenings out in the sunshine (and rain!) over the last few months, and their latest event will show a beloved classic right in…
Seminar on ‘Balancing the Industry’ exploring strategies for Women in Film and TV
Gender Equality is becoming a bit of a buzz phrase to gain good PR in the entertainment industry. But when the BBC published their pay gap, and with film stars regularly coming out about their struggles for pay parity, it’s clear that we still have a long way to go to reach true equality. Creative…
Hacks Season at the Light House celebrates movies about journos
Journalists. Intrepid crusaders for truth and justice, or cynical slingers of sensationalism and the now-dreaded ‘fake news’? It might be some combination of the two (except of course for self-appointed film critics, whose dedication and value are without question), but the world of journalism has always been of interest to filmmakers, with its capacity for…
The lumbering and violent Limehouse Golem is smarter than it seems
Director: Juan Carlos Medina Starring: Bill Nighy, Olivia Cooke, Douglas Booth Running Time: 105 minutes Imagine one of those ITV murder mystery shows that takes place over a couple of Sunday nights, add a little budget and plenty of blood and replace the usual suspects with Karl Marx, George Gissing and Dan Leno and you’re well on your way to…