Spice up your life with Spice World at the Light House

We at Film In Dublin like to think that we know what you, the cinema-going public of Dublin, want. What you really, really want. And we know there are loads of you out there who spent the 90s bopping along to the Spice Girls, taking quizzes to see if you were Ginger, Scary, Posh, Baby or Sporty and trying to understand what exactly zigazig ah was and what was so desirable about it, so you’ll be delighted to hear that the Light House Cinema will be showing the pop fivesome’s film Spice World this September.

An irreverent comedy in the style of The Beatles’ A Hard Day’s NightSpice World was not exactly a hit with the critics back in the day – Roger Ebert called it “an entertainment free dead-zone” – but audiences at the height of Spice Girls fever ate it up and made the film a big success, bringing in $100 million at the box office. Packed with gags, celebrity cameos and many of the group’s most beloved songs, the film was always going to end up a cult hit with fans, and with it now having its 20th birthday (you didn’t read that, you’re as young as ever), the Light House are celebrating with screenings of Spice World on Saturday Sep 9. Spice Girls themed cocktails are sure to be on offer at the cinema bar, with a playlist of Spice Girls hits blaring before the screening and fancy dress highly recommended, it’s sure to be a great night of nostalgia for Spice Girls fans in Smithfield.


Tickets are available from the Light House now, but they’re going fast, with an additional screening already having to be added at 11pm after the 10.45 one sold out. But if you’re worried about missing out, don’t go wasting your precious time, enter in our contest and you’ll be just fine. To be in with a chance of winning two tickets to Spice World, simply check out our Facebook post tag a friend and let them know which member of the Spice Girls you think they’re most like. Are they a Baby, Scary, Sporty, Posh or Ginger? Let them and us know in the comments below before Wednesday August 30th if you wannabe a winner!

About Luke Dunne

Luke is a writer, film addict and Dublin native who loves how much there is for film fans in his home county. In 2016 he founded Film In Dublin to share everything that's happening in the fair city of film and beyond. He/Him

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