Irish film duo launch app to Rangle up professionals

Irish film duo AnneMarie Naughton and Andrew Burke have launched Rangle, a unique new digital platform that works to connect highly-skilled crew with production companies in real time. Over the last 18 months (2016 until present), the Irish film industry is worth €193 million to the Irish economy (this is based on eligible expenditure over this period.) As…

Detroit is a brutal and messy view from the outside

Director: Kathryn Bigelow Starring: John Boyega, Will Poulter, Algee Smith, Jacob Latimore, Anthony Mackie, Jack Reynor Running Time: 143 minutes Though the clothes and the music and the specific events make Detroit‘s setting of 1967 clear, it’s shot in a haphazard, shaky manner that suggests that this could be happening right now. The point is pretty clear of course, as the…

Announcing #52Fridays of Female Directors

With the year that’s in it, it’s perhaps easy to imagine that we have reached gender parity in the film industry (or in Hollywood at least), what with Patty Jenkins behind the biggest blockbuster of the year and the success of female-driven stories like Atomic Blonde and The Beguiled. But considering Jenkins hadn’t directed a…

Chemistry shields the nonsense in The Hitman’s Bodyguard

Director: Patrick Hughes Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Samuel L. Jackson, Selma Hayek, Gary Oldman Running Time: 118 minutes Movies won’t appreciate what they have in Samuel L. Jackson until he’s gone. Not the highest highs, the Djangos, but the long, long list of unmemorable, mediocre or outright awful productions that have been raised one bar higher by the sheer presence of…

Doc screenings at the Kilmainham-Inchicore Community Festival

The community’s of Kilmainham and Inchicore are coming together this August for a festival that showcases the talents of local people and encourages all to enjoy local resources and take pride in the community. The Kilmainham-Inchicore Community Festival is a collaborative effort between the Kilmainham Arts Festival and Inchicore-based groups, who have joined forces to…

A Ghost Story is modern storytelling at its finest

Director: David Lowry Starring: Casey Affleck, Rooney Mara Runtime: 87 minutes A Ghost Story plunges the depths of themes that most filmmakers have devoted their careers to exploring. The ambition and quiet confidence with which it delves into issues such as life, death, memory and time is, quite simply, something to be marvelled at and revered. While it may challenge…

Light House and JFF announce ‘Anime House’

access>CINEMA and the Embassy of Ireland have long been committed to bringing the best of Japanese cinema to Ireland. That includes April of this year when they hosted another successful edition of the Japanese Film Festival and last night, when the excellent Shin Godzilla was finally shown in Ireland. Preceding that screening at the Light House Cinema was…