Oh what a lovely day April 30th will be for Fury Road fans

Like us, you may have become addicted to Mad Max: Fury Road, the visually stunning, brilliantly chaotic action movie that stands as the best of its genre this decade. Perhaps it took hold of you and you resent its absence. Well resent no more, as Fury Road will return to the big screen at the end of April at the Light House Cinema, shiny and chrome. And black.

Back in the early 80’s while working on the editing for Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, director George Miller made a black and white edit of the film to score music to. In the process, Miller found that he actually preferred this version of the film and later remarked that i he had his way, Fury Road would have been released theatrically in black and white. Fan enthusiasm for seeing Miller’s colour-drained vision grew, and the ‘Black and Chrome’ edition of the film has screened successfully around the world, sold well on Blu-ray and DVD among cinephiles and been praised by critics for being ‘a fascinating way to re-evaluate the greatest action film of the new millenium‘.

The Light House Cinema will be showing this black and white version of the film on Bank Holiday Sunday, the 30th of April at 8.30pmTickets are available but are expected to go quite fast for what promises to be a lovely day in action Valhalla.

About Luke Dunne

Luke is a writer, film addict and Dublin native who loves how much there is for film fans in his home county. In 2016 he founded Film In Dublin to share everything that's happening in the fair city of film and beyond. He/Him

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