Cage and Travolta Face/Off at The Lighthouse

Don’t you want to see this face on the big screen?



Well, that dream is about to become a reality, as Hollywood Babylon presents MONDO CAGE with Face/Off (1997) at the Lighthouse cinema on Saturday, August 13th at 10:45 PM. Cage delivers his performance here with his trademark gusto as the twisted criminal mastermind Castor Troy. John Travolta shares Cage’s limelight as Special Agent Sean Archer, the Batman to Cage’s Joker. Archer is doubly motivated in exacting justice against Troy because not only is he a terrorist, sadist and all round nasty piece of work, he was also responsible for the death of the Special Agent’s son.

So far, so typical. Here’s where the film goes bananas; Travolta’s character decides that the only way to catch Troy is to become him. To accomplish this, Archer has a plastic surgeon swap his face with that of his sworn enemy so that he can go undercover as the criminal to discover the location of a bomb Troy has planted somewhere in LA. You’ve got Nic-ception with Cage playing Travolta playing Cage and it’s everything we never knew we wanted. Travolta delivers a similarly energetic performance as inevitably Archer’s plan has one major flaw; he’s given a sadistic criminal his face! When Troy wakes up from the surgery, he assumes Archer’s identity and shenanigans ensue.

This film is a riot and it’d be really lame if you missed it. Your friends are already in line, get on it. You can join all of your friends who are most definitely coming at 9:30 PM in the Lighthouse’s bar for some Cage-themed cocktails. They have yet to be named so why not head on over to the Lighthouse’s Facebook page with your awesome suggestions? We’ll see you there.

About Jess Dunne

Jess is an English with Film grad with a healthy respect for the big Blockbusters and other such entertainment 'fluff'. Who says pleasures have to be guilty?

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