Welcome To Film In Dublin

On the 20th of December 1909, James Joyce opened the Volta Picture Theatre on Mary Street in Dublin, the first dedicated cinema in Ireland. Joyce’s love of European cinema was not shared by the average cinema-goer and he quickly grew disillusioned with the project, but it’s safe to say 107 years later that the people of Dublin have come around to the idea of “de fillums”.

Today there are over twenty cinemas in Co. Dublin and over ten film festivals every year. Ireland continues to rise in prominence in the world of film. Our actors are household names and Oscar nominations are becoming par for the course. As a major European city with sprawling suburbs, Dublin in particular always has something going on for film fans and Film In Dublin is dedicated to spotlighting that to the widest audience possible. As a native Dubliner, I’m proud of and excited by what cinemas and festivals here have accomplished, and I started this site because I wanted to share that excitement with others. The site will feature reviews, trailers and news from around the world, but will have a specific focus on what is going on in the Dublin cinema scene, including premieres, festivals and more. Whether your a bona fide cinephile or a more casual viewer looking for something to do on a Friday night, Film In Dublin will have something to offer you and encourages you to get involved and on one platform or another, make this a two way conversation. What are the people of Dublin’s favourite films? How will the industry in Dublin continue to grow?

Let’s find out together.

About Luke Dunne

Luke is a writer, film addict and Dublin native who loves how much there is for film fans in his home county. A former writer for FilmFixx and the Freakin' Awesome Network, he founded Film In Dublin to pursue his dual dreams of writing about film and never sleeping ever again.

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